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KiwiSaver is a powerful tool to boost your savings for your first home purchase and ensure you have enough funds for a retirement with dignity.

KiwiSaver is a work-based savings scheme where you contribute a percentage of your income to build a nest egg for your future. If you’re an employee, you and your employer will make a minimum contribution of 3% of your salary or wages and there is the added benefit of annual contributions from the government for eligible members. If you’re self-employed you can either, make these contributions through your PAYE deducted income or make voluntary contributions.

Your KiwiSaver can be with a range of providers who each offer different fund options to invest in. With so many choices out there, it can be tricky to know what to do with your KiwiSaver, that’s why at EasyStreet we are accredited to offer KiwiSaver advice and have access to a range of suitable providers to ensure you are in the right fund to reach your goals.

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EasyStreet Mortgages Limited

Suite 5A, 166 Moorhouse Ave, Christchurch 8011


EasyStreet Mortgages Limited (FSP711051) is licensed by the Financial Markets Authority as a Financial Advice Provider.


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